1. When the boat is switched on, the ESC beeping sound can indicate numbers of battery cells, but the motor is not started
Reset the throttle range.
2. The ESC is functional without any alarm but the motor is not started.
1. Check the plug of motor cables or solder motor cables again. 2. Change a new motor.
3. When the boat is switched on, the ESC beeps (two beeps with short pause)
The battery voltage is too low to drive the boat. Replace it by a fully charged battery.
4. When the boat is switched on, the ESC beeps (two beeps with short pause)
1. Check the connection of signal cables and receiver. 2. Check transmitter and receiver make sure the communication is functional.
5. When the boat is switched on the ESC beeps constently.
Pull the throttle stick to bottom position or reset the throttle range.
6. When the motor is switched on the ESC beeps two long tones and two short tones.
Choose proper setting of throttle forward or backward.
7. The boat is running reversely
1. Switch any two cables of the three cables connecting ESC and motor. 2. Use remote controller or program card to reverse rotation of the motor.
8. The motor stops while the boat is running
1.Set proper value of Low Voltage Protection. When the protection is triggered the boat would be running at Low Power Mode. And it means you should retreat your boat.2. The boat should be running in the range of remote controller. Mind the battery voltage of the remote controller. If it drops magnif...
9. The motor stops while the boat is running
1. Check setting of remote controller. 2. Check the communication between controller and receiver. 3. Check if there is interference from other electronic devices. Try to reconnect power cable if the boat back to normal function. If the same issue occurs frequently it could be caused by strong elec...
10. The motor stops while the boat is running
Check the connections of battery plug, power cables and motor cables.