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Flycolor Sponsorship for FPV worldwide program


X-Cross BL-32


Flycolor is launching a new global sponsorship program for FPV Fliers. Apply now because we're only accepting applicants until October 9, 2019.


About us

Flycolor is in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, and manufactures Electric Speed Controllers (ESCs). Flycolor is considered the best FPV drone ESC brand among professional fliers in China, and some world-famous pilots abroad.



To provide top-performing worldwide FPV ESC pilots the experience of Flycolor's brand, we've decided to open our sponsorship to anyone who meets the requirements listed below.


Our sponsorship is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. All sponsors get the following rewards. The better your level, the better the rewards.

  • Flycolor      ESCs

  • Cash prizes

  • Discounted      products


Level A Requirements:

  • Win the 1st,      2nd, or 3rd at a national-level competition.

  • Great social      media influencers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

  • Promote the      Flycolor brand


Level B Requirements:

  • Win the      first six races during national-level competitions

  • Great social      media influencers on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

  • Promote the      Flycolor brand


Level C Requirements:




If you're interested, contact Jeffrey at with the following information:

  1. Your best      scores you have achieved in the past year (name of the event + rankings      obtained).

  2. Your      Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter usernames.

  3. A      self-introduction

  4. Your level      of sponsorship you expect to receive

  5. Your contact      information


Looking forward to hearing from the Best FPV Pilots out there!

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